
Welcome to Bitesome.mobi!  Learn about nutrition from the Bitesome Team — the public health nutrition scientists, who brought you the Bitesome app.

The Bitesome App

Bitesome is a diet and nutrition-tracking app developed by researchers at the University of Washington.  Bitesome helps you manage your nutrition, identify trends in your dietary patterns, and find relationships between your diet and your health.

See our video to learn how to use Bitesome.

By using Bitesome, you’re also contributing to science — to learn more about the research behind the app, visit our “Science” page.  Bitesome users are invited to participate in a variety of cutting-edge studies.

Bitesome are available on iTunes for your iOS devices and on the Google Play store for your Android devices.

Get it on Google Play

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Is Soy Sauce Harming You?

Soy sauce helps provide foods with that great umami flavor, but it may not be the most healthy aspect of your diet. For example, a review of cancer causing aspects of diet published in the journal Carcinogenesis suggests that soybeans and soy sauce may contain nitrosamines that are associated with genetic mutation in lab animal …


Hello from the Bitesome Team!

We are researchers from the University of Washington and Stanford University.

Jenna Hua, RD, MPH, PhD
Giannina Ferrara
Jenna Kim
Shuhao Lin
Edmund Seto, MS, PhD

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The Bitesome Team